Knowledge Base

Animal Breeders

Category: Animal License

Breeders License

Any person who intentionally or unintentionally causes the breeding of any cat or dog, offers such for sale, trade, or free give away is considered a breeder. Breeders are required to obtain a Breeders License from the City Controller's Office, located on the second floor of City Hall at 17 Harding Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807.  The cost of a Breeder's License is $100. Any breeder must also be in compliance with City zoning laws.

Selling Puppies and Kittens

A breeder, as defined above, is responsible for making sure that only one (1) litter is born per animal per year.  Breeders must also furnish the Board of Public Works & Safety with information on the birth of each litter of dogs or cats, at which time a litter number will be assigned.  This litter number should be used for any advertisements regarding sale, giveaway, or relinquishment of the animals.  A breeder must also provide the new owner or buyer the litter number as well as the breeder's license number as proof that the animal was legally bred. It is also required that breeders provide the name, address, and telephone number of each new owner of any dog or cat within five (5) days after the date of transferring ownership.

The breeder is also responsible for the initial immunization of all cats and dogs offered for sale, trade or giveaway.  Any kitten or puppy offered for sale, trade or giveaway must be eight (8) weeks of age or older before removed from the mother.

Please see Chapter 6 of the City Code for more information on the requirements of pet licensing or you may contact the City Legal Department by email or in person at 17 Harding Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807 (812)232-2508.  Any failure to comply with the City code could result in citations, penalties, and fee's.


Click here to view Chapter 6 of the City Code

Updated 7/26/2011 1:24 PM
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